Frequently Asked Questions

Please Get In Touch if you cannot find an answer to your question.

Why should I post my vacancy with Seren Talent?
  • Seren Talent’s network of associates refer quality candidates, based on their personal experience of working with those individuals, so you can be assured that your candidates can ‘walk the walk’.
  • Instead of relying on advertising and recruitment consultants, Seren Talent gives you access to vetted applicants from an untapped talent pool.
Who are the associates?
  • Our network of associates are experienced in a range of fields. They have a deep understanding of the real business experience of their wide network of colleagues. Alongside each candidate you will receive the bio of the referring associate.
Why should I become an associate?
  • Associates are paid for every referral that results in a successful placement.
  • The referral process is quick and simple to follow.
How do I become an associate?
  • To apply to become an associate, simply complete the form and attach your CV on the Become an Associate page.

How does Seren Talent support the community?
  • Seren Talent believes in a principle of sustainable business, operating to support the communities around us and the wider environment.
  • From our very first day of operation, we are instilling our pledge to ensure 5% of our annual profit is reinvested in community based projects and 5% is reinvested in environmental action initiatives.